Traditional Building Intensive combined courses
Complete 12 day workshop that includes a Traditional Timber Framing Course over 9 days followed by 3 day Natural Building Course with a weekend break to explore the surroundings and Serra de São Mamede Natural Park. Unique set up to understand and experience a building process from bottom up.
Dates : 11-24th of June 2020 : Important Note : Arrival is on the 10th of June in the evening departure 25th of June in the morning.
Accommodation and three delicious vegetarian meals are part of the workshop. Weekend of 20-21st of June is not included.
Price - 1200€
Introduction to Traditional Timber Frame Building
11th-19th June 2020
Together as a team, in 9 days we’ll actually build a medium sized full timber frame from a preliminary design. Maybe you heard stories on how it used to be "in the old days", this is it! We will be building a beautiful community house. Come and join us as there is no better way of understanding the whole process than by doing it!
Workshop Features:
The main things you can learn will be:
Fundamentals of trigonometry and geometry that are essential to understand and develop, sound, functional and beautiful structures.
The basic principles of timber frame design (names of the components of a frame and fundamental design rules);
Selecting & surveying timbers for placement of joinery and position in the frame;
Accurately lay out and cut all the joints necessary to complete a Timber Frame. Mostly, it will be mortise and tenon joinery with some variations and options for the connection of specific members (ex: dovetail and scarf joints).
How to properly and safely use power and hand tools, with an emphasis on learning how to use a sharp framing chisel and mallet.
Raising techniques & logistics
A variety of concepts, practical, theoretical & empirical knowledge that will be distilled to you through the workshop, by the whole group experience and interaction with the facilitators.
This Timber Framing workshop is designed to be accessible, interesting & challenging for all levels of timber framers.
Working in groups we will build up individual and collective confidence. We expect that as a result the participants will go home empowered to engage on a timber frame project of their own. Most importantly we aim to share a systematic and comprehensive method. The frame will be joyfully raised on site.
When all the pieces come together, the joints fit and the frame is up due to the combined efforts of the raising crew, there´s an indescribable feeling of reward, achievement and joy!
Typical Daily Schedule:
7.30 - Breakfast
8.30 - Morning Session
12.30 - Lunch
13.30 - Afternoon Session
17.30 - Relaxation / Shower
19.00 - Dinner
20.30 - Evening presentation or leisure activity
Additional Highlights:
This workshop is set in TerraSangha, an intentional community project located in a unique and beautiful area of Portugal. Surrounded by the hills os the São Mamede National Park. Ancient Roman presence, unique natural features and local culture make this area a delight to explore. More info here.
It is highly recommended to read at least one of the following books on the subject before engaging the workshop:
A Timber Framer´s Workshop by Steve Chappell – Fox Maple
Building the Timber Framing House by Tedd Benson with James Gruber
A certain set of tools will be required for this workshop, detailed information will be given to you upon registration.
Dates : 11-19 of June 2020 :: Important Note : Arrival is on the 10 th of June in the evening departure 20th of June in the morning.
Accommodation and three delicious vegetarian meals are part of the workshop.
Price - 950 € (if you take this workshop under the Traditional Building Intensive package deal savings are up to 200 €)

Light Straw Clay, Wattle & Daub, Cob and Natural Plasters
22nd-24th July 2020
A throwback into our ancestral memories, working with clay seems to activate something unique in our emotional body. The fundamental history of building technology has been written with these materials...ready to play?!
Dates : 22-24 of June 2020 :: Important Note : Arrival is on the 21st of June in the evening departure 25th of June in the morning.
All Inclusive - Accommodation and three delicious vegetarian meals are part of the workshop.
Price - 450 € (if you take this workshop under the Traditional Building Intensive package deal savings are up to 200 €)
Workshop Features:
During 3 days we will guide you on this journey. Exploring the diversity of natural materials that can be used to create the wall infills of the timber frame built during the timber framing course. The same techniques can be used on a variety of other building structures, wood frames, rammed earth homes, stone and even to retrofit houses built with conventional building materials.
You will have the chance to learn the techniques and practice all of this:
Light straw clay - a highly insulating and cheap technique that can be used to create wall infills of up to 35 cm thick. Very accessible and easy, most people are impressed with the hardness and versatility of a simple straw and clay slip mix.
Wattle & Daub - One of the oldest infill techniques used all around the world combining an earth/straw mix pressed against a woven structure of wood strips, canes, bamboos etc. It allows to create thermal mass walls that are breathable, solid and fairly easy to make.
Clay & Lime plasters - The best and most natural way of protecting and the walls and to give them the final touch of beauty, both inside and outside. There aren't many things that compare to the coziness of a clay plaster and the light shine of a lime plaster. Combine them with natural pigments & polishing techniques and the array of finishing possibilities are endless.
Typical Daily Schedule:
7.30 - Breakfast
8.30 - Morning Session
12.30 - Lunch
13.30 - Afternoon Session
17.30 - Relaxation / Shower
19.00 - Dinner
20.30 - Evening presentation or leisure activity
For the past 12 years, Ruka has been passionately cultivating many skills and taking part in a diversity of building & restoration projects around several locations on the planet. Working mostly with earth/clay, lime, straw and timber.
This has allowed him to develop a very personal approach to the term “natural building”. Since every building project presents unique challenges to integrate
different techniques and methods to make buildings beautiful, healthy and long lasting.
Timber Framing has come into Rukas' path as a natural extension of his skills opening up extraordinary possibilities of design flexibility & craftsmanship. He feels very honored to have learned first hand from extraordinary masters and he is fully dedicated to share his knowledge and passion.
Among the people with whom he as worked and learned Timber Framing from, Steve Chappell and the Fox Maple crew have been an incredible inspiration and source of knowledge, that one can only look up to.
Ruka has facilitated several workshops for a variety of groups, from young children to adults of various cultural backgrounds and nationalities. For him it's an intense and rewarding process since he feels that he learns at least as much as any participant and feels excited to share his knowledge.
Away from the tools and job sites, he spends most of his time riding waves, enjoying Nature or being mesmerized by music.
Traditional Building
Intensive Combined Workshops
June 11-24, 2020
Two workshops in one - Timber Framing and Natural Building Techniques put together in a 2 week journey in a package price. If you are are looking to have a fuller understanding of what it takes to create an extraordinary living space, you don´t want to miss this!
Introduction to Traditional Timber Frame Building
June 11-19, 2020
A unique Timber Framing
workshop! 9 days of hands-on experience where the main focus will be to learn by doing, with both hand and power tools. Diving deep into the Yin -Yang of woodwork! Accessible, interesting & challenging for all levels of experience.